Richest Politician

Top 10 richest Politician in world and other part of the world. Complete list of Richest Politician biography net worth, salary, earning, money detail and celebrity status.

Jayalalithaa Net Worth 2020

Jayalalithaa Net Worth, Earning and Salary 2020 Politics have been one of those areas that have for long been disapproved as a clean profession, by...
Rahul Gandhi Salary

Rahul Gandhi Net Worth 2020

Rahul Gandhi Net Worth, Salary & Earning 2020 Well, in any occupation of the world, be it medical or engineering or teaching or any other...
Sonia Gandhi earning

Sonia Gandhi Net Worth 2019

Sonia Gandhi Net Worth, Earning and Salary 2019 As per the reports, in the countdown of one of the richest politicians in the world is...
Mamata Banerjee Income

Mamata Banerjee Net Worth 2019

Mamata Banerjee Net Worth, Salary & Earning 2019 When the world speaks about the darker side of the politics and the political leaders world wide, Indian...